
NoSurrender Internship

During my 3-month internship at NoSurrender Heroes, I contributed to the client-side development of a real-time mobile strategy game using Unity and C#. I had the opportunity to gain hands on experience in SOLID principles, addressables, scriptable objects, localization, DOTween, trello, photon bolt, design patterns and github.

My Responsibilities

  • Develop new features
  • Identify and resolve bugs
  • Improve and maintain existing systems
  • Test new features
  • IEEE Game Development Team Membership

    During my 2 years of IEEE club computer science club game development team membership, I had the experience of developing 1 top-down shooter and 1 mobile clicker game. The projects were not published, but I had the experience of collaborating with groups ranging from 5 to 10 people during the development phase and developing games using unity and C#.

    My Responsibilities

  • Develop new features
  • Identify and resolve bugs
  • Contribute to game design